Well friends, the day has come....I turned 30 on Friday. It was actually a wonderful birthday and I didn't freak out like I expected to (yet). Before I get into the details of the birthday, I thought I would give you the update on the 29 at 29 list I made last year.
- get in great shape before I turn 30 this one didn't exactly happen the way I had hoped but I am getting back to being more consistent with working out so that is a plus
- be a better wife and show more unconditional respect for my husband I hope I've done this but I realize I'm never going to be perfect so I'll keep striving for this one
- finish the Warrior Dash without keeling over check
- go on vacation somewhere besides Jamaica (although I love Jamaica) well this one didn't happen unless you count our massive road trip around the east coast of the U.S. -- but we do have a trip planned for Peru in May...can't wait!
- grow out my hair (at least for a while) definitely did this one...my hair is the longest it's been since 10th grade!
- be more grateful for all I've been blessed with hopefully I've done this although I can always grow in this area
- get professional pics taken with my hubby that aren't wedding pics (especially since we never had engagement pictures taken) did not happen....maybe one day...a girl can dream ;)
- be a more consistent journaler (especially since I got 6 journals for my birthday), and hopefully blogger ;) well, I definitely haven't been a consistent blogger but I have been journaling with some frequency
- cultivate a passion for God's Word that I have been lacking lately and be more consistent in reading and studying the Bible I have had ups and downs with this one (currently in a down) - gotta get better at this
- make an effort to build transparent, authentic community and relationships this was definitely happening when we were in Morgantown, but since we've moved we haven't really gotten connected yet....hopefully that will happen soon
- get back to my crafty roots and spend more time doing creative things this may have been the theme of my year actually. I have been doing tons more crafting (which I love!) and in the last year I have learned to knit and crochet :)
- get better at using my camera and the external flash Jamie bought me check
- become more financially responsible still working on this one unfortunately
- attempt to actually enjoy cooking (aside from making desserts) and learn more healthy recipes I've been so so on this one especially with the busyness of intern year
- get a Mac (so ready to get rid of my crappy laptop) check
- get some cute winter clothes (my winter wardrobe has been lacking since my Houston days) this one was accomplished....too bad I don't really need those clothes now that we live in the South
- drink more water (and less diet soda) nope...didn't happen
- read more books for fun check
- go to the shooting range again didn't happen
- go skiing check
- go camping with my hubby didn't happen :(
- start a photo journal I picked out a bunch of photos if that counts...
- eat healthier sometimes accomplished this, sometimes didn't
- be more intentional about making sure people in my life know that I love them I think I've done this...hopefully :)
- complain less, encourage more I'm sure I've been hit or miss on this one but hopefully I've been more positive than negative
- run a half-marathon definitely didn't happen...I'm just now getting back into running due to a foot injury but thinking about running a half in January with my hubby....that is, if intern year allows for training
- get my house more organized and less cluttered well, considering that we moved and got rid of tons of stuff I think this happened, although I'm constantly trying to keep our new place organized
- live generously, in the knowledge that everything I have is God's anyway I hope that I do this and continue to grow in this area
- finish (or at least start...ha) making my t-shirt quilt that i cut the pieces out for probably at least 5-6 years ago I got out the materials and looked at them for a while if that counts ;)
As you can see, some of the 29 at 29 happened and some didn't, but all in all I had a great year. And my 30th birthday was even better! Jamie organized a HUGE surprise and a bunch of our friends came in for my birthday. It was amazing seeing everyone and getting to spend the weekend with them. I really miss the community we had in Morgantown and I'm so thankful that they went out of their way to come celebrate my birthday with me. Here are a couple of pics from the weekend:
the whole group (minus kent who was taking the picture) |
blowing out candles on top of the delicious Coca-Cola cake |
funny pic :) |