I am engaged!!! Below is the slideshow Jamie used to propose :) (Sorry for the stamp that appears after 3 minutes but I had to download the free version to convert the slideshow). It was amazing and so special. He proposed at church, where we met. I'm sure I will post more later but for now just want to hear your reactions ;) Oh yeah....and any opinions on running away to Jamaica to get married or getting married in WV?
I'm so crying!!! I love Jamies! I love your Jamie! How thoughtful! How sweet! Did you cry your eyes out or what??? I'm SOOO freakin' excited for you, Tara! I don't care where you get married, but I do want to dress up and come to a reception at least ;) Stay-at-home moms don't get to dress up much, you know? So when are you two going to have kids? j/k :) Love you so much! So happy for you both!
<3 Andrea
Wow--that is some serious news. Congratulations Tara! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to hear more. :-)
First of all - JAMAICA!!!! :) How absolutely wonderful. What a great proposal - left me all teary-eyed. Love you guys!
Congratulations!! I can't believe I saw you Sunday morning...so happy for you! You two have an awesome story and I just know that God's going to continue to bless your relationship for years to come!
Love you!
If I could do it all over again, I would do a destination wedding. Either way, we'll be there!
Tara, all the emotions just kept overspilling as I watched the video, I cried like a baby, leave it to Jamie to come up with something like that, God and you has done this to my son and I am so Blessed to have a son like Jamie, you two will have a wonderful life together, it doesn't matter where on this earth you two unite, God will be there and so will the hearts of all your friends and family that love you. As I told Jamie, you two do what is right for you. May God Bless you and Jamie in each and everything that you do. I love you and I am so happy for the both of you. The future "Mrs. Rickard" sounds great to me.....
I totally shed a tear! okay... maybe a few tears! LOL! I am so happy for you!!!
I vote Jamaica!! Take you and your loved ones that you want to see the two of you get married and just go! You can only do it once! More and more I see myself going to a beach somewhere to get married! So go for it!! CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
Love you!
Katy Whitehair
Marriage is AWESOME and you are going to love it because you are doing it God's way!!!! Isn't God so great?! I can remember silly talks from long ago about boys and wondering if it would ever happen for us - God's ways our so much better than ours.
Anyways, Tiff gave me your blog address today so I could see the video - LOVE IT! What a great job he did!
I was practically crying at that slideshow....so absolutely beautiful. Looks like you've got yourself a great catch! I am so happy for you. By the way...I vote Jamaica:)
Hi Tara, I'm Vicki, Jamie's aunt...How absolutely beautiful..Yes, I had this big lump in my throat, and the tears fell...I am soooo happy that you and Jamie found each other. God does work in mysterious ways, and opens many doors. I was beginning to wonder if anyone would ever be good enough for Jamie, he has such high standards..You really must be perfect!! I can't wait to meet you. I would really like to attend the wedding, but pictures from Jamaica work just fine for me too..whatever makes you the happiest...I wish you both a lifetime of laughter, patience, understanding, and belief in the guiding hand of God...
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