The most amazing thing about all of this is that I really used to believe that being treated that way - with thoughtfulness, kindness, and respect - must have been just a selfish desire. I had come to believe that my desire to feel special was something that I just needed to "get over." At the root of this false belief was the fact that my previous relationship was exactly that - mine, not God's. Because I wasn't being treated well, I was deceived into believing that I didn't deserve to be. But God gives us that desire -- the desire to feel loved and appreciated -- because He is the fulfillment of that desire. What we experience here on earth in relationships with others is a mere reflection of how He feels about us. That is why God doesn't want us to settle for second best....for our best, not His. His design, His desire, is for us to be loved as Christ loves the church. I think Janine said it best in her chat to me the other day:
Janine: awe tara
isn't that amazing
God is so in love with you and he pours it out thru jamie
jamie loves you the way Christ loved the church
that's more than amazing
it's God's way, and that's just perfect
It's so true. I used to think guys like our Jamies only existed in Hollywood movies ;) I don't think girls believe me, when I tell them to hold out for the one who will make them feel that way...treat them like a princess, you know? Girls settle way too often for guys who just don't live like Christ, the way He desires for us to be loved.
I'm so thankful you didn't settle, Tara. Now we just have to keep on preachin' to the rest of the single girls out there...and say lots of prayers for them too, of course :) Love you!!!
Hey! Thanks for the comment! I know there are so many others in the same boat... and it makes it a little easier. :-) I'm just tired of studying so much and still failing... LOL! Guess all I can do is study more... I will be in next week for spring break. I am excited to see Tiffany! We should all hang out sometime!!! :-)
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