Thursday, May 1, 2008


So, I did something scary yesterday (no not skydiving -- a little different type of leap). I booked my ticket for Uganda. This was (and still is!) scary for two reasons: #1 -- it means I am actually going and #2 -- I booked the ticket only having about half as much money as I need to pay for it. It did feel a little bit like I would imagine skydiving does, jumping into the unknown....guess that's why they call it a leap of faith. The thing is, this is something I have to do. Despite my apprehension recently about this trip (mostly due to its proximity to my wedding), I realized that all of my doubts and fears were coming from ME not God. I promised God I would pursue this dream until He closed the door or told me not to -- and He hasn't. So here I am taking a huge leap, knowing that God WILL provide. My part is to pursue God's will to the best of my ability... pretty sure He can handle the rest ;). As Nelson (the pastor in charge of STAO says): "He has a thousand cattles on a thousand hills. He is going to sell one for you."


Andrea said...

Two things, one Biblical, and one...well...from David Crowder ;)

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." --- Isaiah 30:21

"Pray for enough illumination for the next step, and then the courage to take it." --- David Crowder

Anonymous said...

True Story: Luke's dad was needing money in a bad way and prayed that God would sell one of His (God's) cattle and send the money his (Norm's) way. Not too much later, a check arrived in the mail--- one of Norm's cattle that he didn't even know he HAD was sold and the money was pretty much the exact amount he needed. Ask LUke about it- so radical. And I'm excited to hear all about this Uganda dream you are pursuing, by the way!!!