Here are the tagging rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag
My random-ness:
1. One of my biggest fears is popping balloons....maybe because my grandma used to tell me the pieces would hit me in the eye and blind me??
2. I hate tomatoes but love ketchup, tomato sauce, salsa and even tomato basil soup...weird, I know.
3. The first career aspirations I had were to be a chocolate engineer....and I wanted my sister to be a snow engineer. I didn't know what an engineer was but I knew my dad was one...and I really liked chocolate (that part hasn't changed)
4. I hate ironing so much that when I was single and made a list of characteristics I would like in a future husband "can/will iron" was one of them :)
5. When I was young and used to spend the night with my grandparents (who read the Bible together every night....cute!), they would let me pick a passage from the Bible for them to read to me and I always picked the story of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke was my favorite....I have no idea why.
6. I have the hardest time spelling Philippians. I always want it to have two L's and one P for some reason: Phillipians....I know it doesn't look right and yet every time I try to write it I try to put the two L's in.
I am tagging:
1. Andrea Salamonca -- love your randomness anyway!
2. Katy Whitehair -- because she may be one of the only people that reads this blog...ha
3. Billy Williams -- gettin' the guys involved :)
4. Meghan Baird -- because she's a cool chick whose blog I just discovered and we're almost birthday twins
5. Angela Harding -- because she just rocks
6. Janine Dzuba -- great way to start your blog!
1 comment:
so I totally appreciate you tagging me, and I do think this would be a GREAT way to start my blog! thanks!!!! what can my 6 things be? Help ;) blogging...hilarious....
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