I am officially Tara Rickard, M.D., Pharm.D.!!! It still doesn't feel real yet, although I'm sure reality will hit quickly when July rolls around.
Graduation weekend was wonderful. I am so blessed to have wonderful family and friends and was so thankful that they took the time to celebrate with me. Several friends even came in from out of town to surprise me! God has put some amazing people in my life and I know that medical school wouldn't have been possible without them and without Him.
Hope you enjoy the pictorial summary below :)
Me being hooded |
The whole family together |
My hubby wearing my ridiculous graduation hat |
The Browns! They came in from Georgia to surprise me :) |
Beautiful Lisa who started driving at 3:30am from D.C. to surprise me |
Kyle, another surprise visitor from D.C. |
Group pic :) |
My wonderful husband. Definitely couldn't have done med school without him |
Mary losing miserably at Quelf |
Quelf is a hilarious game. That's all I have to say :) | | | | |
And a few pictures from the Dance Central battle...so much fun!
Yes, I'm doing the cabbage patch ;) |