Sunday, June 26, 2011

jamaica me crazy

While most people spend Memorial Day at cookouts and other similar get-togethers, we spent ours in airports and on airplanes -- making our way to Jamaica for vacation :).  Other than the delays we experienced trying to get there, the rest of the trip was wonderful.  The weather was somewhat overcast and rainy at times but it was still nice to get away and relax at the beach. 

Unlike our three previous trips to Jamaica, we brought some friends along this time.  I wasn't sure how vacationing with another couple was going to be since Jamie and I had only been on vacation alone in the past, but we had a blast! It was a blessing to get to spend that time with Kent and Sarah right before our move.  Here are some pics from the trip:

God was so good to us and we got a HUGE blessing in the fact that somehow we got a room upgrade.  This is a picture of our room with our private pool and hot tub. 

Jamie & I at dinner at Gordon's on the Pier

Kent & Sarah at Gordon's

This is what happens when you leave your camera at the table when you go to the bathroom

Amazing rainbow after a day of thunderstorms

All four of us before dinner one night

Amazing sunset

Me with my co-winner of the Michael Jackson dance contest!

I'm thankful that we were able to take some vacation time before the craziness of intern year starts!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It was such a blessing!!! Cant wait to go back someday!!