Wednesday, December 26, 2007


For some reason today I can't get out of my head the line (if you can call something written on a cue card a line) from Love Actually -- "To me you are perfect." That has always been my favorite part of an otherwise mediocre chick flick (I know....can you believe it? I'm a girl who isn't really that into Love Actually), but I came to the startling realization today that that is exactly how God feels about me. Now by no means am I perfect, but that is the amazing part -- God sees me in the light of His awesome Son's sacrifice and that makes me perfect in His eyes. This realization literally brought me to tears. I mean I know, and have known for most of my life, that God loves me but the fact is, He loves me exactly how I want to be loved. He sees me exactly the way I have been searching for so long for someone to see me. I've heard over and over again the "church talk" of Christ being the bridegroom and us being the bride, but to actually feel that?? To feel the Creator of the Universe looking at you with tears in His eyes and saying "To me you are perfect"? Nothing could be better.


Janine said...

Amen my beautiful sister! I love it! And I totally love that this IS how our awesome Father sees're right...with tears in his eyes...We are perfect in his sight! Love you! thanks for sharing. Janine

Jamie said...

To are perfect!!!!

Andrea said...

Beatifully said :) Thanks for the reminder...and how sweet is your Jamie's comment??? Love it!