Friday, November 27, 2009


The thing I love about Thanksgiving is that it gives us an opportunity to truly focus on the blessings we have been given that we often tend to overlook in the day to day. I have so many things to be thankful for but here are just a few:

  • A God who loves me with a perfect love even though I'm flawed and imperfect. He has blessed me in so many ways and is deserving of my utmost gratitude and love.
  • A husband who takes care of me, makes me laugh like no one else can, loves me and loves the Lord.
  • An awesome family, both biologically and through Christ. God has put some amazing people in my life who have blessed me beyond belief.
  • Two fun dogs even though I want to kill them sometimes (like when they chew up my shoes)
  • God's provision which has been shown to us in amazing ways. It has helped me trust the Lord when things look absolutely impossible.
  • A roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, and the knowledge that this makes me rich in comparison to most of the world.
  • The dreams God has already fulfilled for me and the dreams He has yet to give me. I love God's surprises and the fact that I have no idea what God has in store for me. Sometimes it's nerve wracking to the worrier in me but I know that it's ultimately a blessing and an adventure.
  • Friends that make me laugh until I cry
  • Watching the first snow fall outside my window
  • Peppermint mochas
  • Wearing Jamie's sweatpants
  • Candy cane Tootsie roll pops
  • Anything pumpkin
I'm sure there are many more things I could list but I'll keep it short for now. Praying that you spend some time reflecting on all that you have to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God's provision

I have been amazing lately by the way God has been revealing Himself through His provision. I suppose God is always a provider, but I find that I often don't take the time to notice. Lately, though, His hand has been undeniable. Here are just a few ways He has provided recently:

  • On the day I wrote a tithe check that I wasn't entirely sure we would have enough money in our account to cover, God provided exactly DOUBLE that amount through one of our friends who just felt called to give us that amount of money.
  • When I got out of work the other day, I had 4 BRAND NEW tires on my car out of the blue thanks to other awesome people who God used as His hands and feet.
  • This weekend was a pretty busy one for me. I had a test yesterday and "should have" been studying all weekend but ended up working on Saturday to help with our finances and went to see my friend Jill's baby on Saturday night. On Sunday I could have spent the whole day studying but instead decided to go to church and to the David Crowder concert, against what the fear of failure inside me wanted. Today I found out that I did better on that test than I have any the whole year!
These are just a few of the examples of God's amazing blessings lately. The most beautiful part about these provisions is the way I have seen God use our community and those people He has put in our lives to do His work. I have always loved that God uses ordinary, broken, messed up people to do extraordinary things. The sacrificial love of our community has shown me a true picture of who Jesus is. Never underestimate the value of even a small act done in God's love.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I AM...

I Am Nuru from Nuru International on Vimeo.

There are so many adjectives we each use to describe ourselves. Just think about the phrase I am ______. What words fill in the blank for you? Mine could include Christian, wife, student, pharmacist, daughter, sister, friend.....the list goes on and on.

One of the most exciting words I would use to fill in the blank recently, however, is Nuru. If you've read any of my previous blogs, you probably know how I feel about those living in poverty. I believe we have a responsibility to first of all, care about those who are suffering and second of all, care for them. I also believe that the end of extreme poverty is a milestone that can be reached in our lifetime. It may sound like a lofty goal, but I believe that Nuru International has just the unique vision and model to accomplish it. I've blogged about Nuru in the past but if you want to know more, please click on the link and explore their brand new website!

If you like what you see, I encourage you to take the next step and take action in the fight against extreme poverty. The website has a whole list of ways you can join the fight without spending a penny. For example, Jamie just ran his 3rd marathon to benefit Nuru and raised $250 in the process!

Jamie crossing the finish line

All of us decked out in our Nuru gear (puffy paint shirts and all)

If you can afford a financial donation, Nuru has a new recurring giving program designed to lift 1000 families out of extreme poverty for less than $1 a day. Whatever your resources, consider how you can use them to help those who aren't yet able to help themselves.

Be hope. Be light. Be Nuru.