Friday, November 26, 2010

thoughts from Romans

"Modern 'idols' don't look like ancient ones; images served today are often mental rather than metal.  But people still devote their lives to, and trust in, many things other than God."

This quote came from my ESV study Bible as a commentary on Romans 1:22-23, which says..."Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal men and birds and animals and creeping things."

While we think it preposterous today to worship images made of metal, I, for one, struggle constantly with putting things before, work, my marriage, material things, name it.  In my human nature, I tend to trust in these things, and in myself, first and often God as an afterthought or last resort.  It's humbling (and embarrassing) to think about the things that I "exchange the glory of the immortal God for."

In this season of thanks, I am so grateful that God has given me grace upon grace for the many times I have failed Him and for the ways He has blessed me in spite of the fact that I am completely undeserving.  Friends, please pray that I can trust and devote my life to God above all else and that He will reveal to me the idols I have set up that are standing in the way of my relationship with Him.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

29 @ 29 update

I started this blog almost a month ago and somehow am just now getting around to writing it thanks at first to an internet malfunction and then to a busy rotation.  Just thought I would give an update on my 29 @ 29 list and how it's going so far.

Things that aren't going so well
#1 and #23-- These two go hand in hand for me and thanks to my last rotation, my workouts have been pretty much nonexistent and my diet has been hit or miss at best.  Looking forward to starting a new rotation tomorrow and becoming more consistent in working out and fixing healthy meals again.  I definitely miss it.
#8 -- As you may have noticed, the consistency in blogging hasn't been there, nor in journaling.  Hoping this is a step in the right direction. ;)
#9 -- I wish I could say that I've been doing better in my relationship with God and in reading His Word, but I haven't.  I finally got to go to church this morning for the first time in weeks and boy was that refreshing to my soul.  It also gave me the kick in the butt I needed to confess and work some things out between myself and God, which I think will help a lot with the barriers I've been putting up in pursuing Him.

And on the bright side...
#11 -- I have been crafting more lately when I get the chance.  I have been doing some card making, journal making and sewing.  Hoping to be able to make some gifts for the holidays and maybe even sell some of my crafts around the holidays if I can get the time to make enough.  Something else I would love to do is start an etsy shop....might be a little ambitious but we'll see.
#3 -- I finished the Warrior Dash!  My time wasn't the greatest ever, but I was just happy to make it through without breaking something or dying.  The course was WAY muddier than I expected and the second half I was mostly just trying to stay on my feet.  Check out the before and after pics below to get an idea of how dirty we all got during the race.

Here's hoping my next update will have more positives than negatives :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

i love 4th year!

After 3 somewhat brutal years of medical school, I am loving 4th year!  No tests and lots more free time have given me the luxury of actually getting to do some things that I enjoy.  Here are just a few things I'm loving about 4th year so far:

  • Getting to read FOR FUN.  After 3 years of reading mostly notes and medical books it's nice to read some fiction.  The next book on my list is Eat, Pray, Love, which my sisters and brother-in-law got me for my birthday.  
  • Doing some crafty things that I never had time to do before.  My latest venture has been card making, which is fun and also saves me some money at Hallmark.  I found a bunch of rubber stamps and ink on sale for $1 each at Michaels and have been stamping and card making ever since.  I'm hoping to have time to do some more crafting, especially as the holidays approach.  If anyone has great, DIY Christmas gift ideas let me know!
  • Guilty-pleasure TV watching and internet surfing.  My favorites as of late have been Family Feud on Facebook, the always popular (with me at least), and watching lots of TV and movies on Netflix.
  • Actually getting to spend time with my husband :) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!  He even took me on a surprise lunch date today.  It's been nice to use some of my breaks and free time for impromptu coffee dates, runs or just time at home together.  I know that next year is going to be busy so it's nice that we have this time together before the craziness ensues.  
Here's hoping the rest of the year is as enjoyable as it is right now!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

the big 2-9

It's officially the last year of my twenties. I turned the 29 about a week ago, just one year away from the big 3-0. I'm not sure what my 29th year will hold, but I know it will be a year of transition with me finishing school and starting residency, Jamie likely quitting his job and going back to school and the possibility of us relocating. If I've learned anything, it's that there is no way of predicting how a year will turn out, no matter how many plans you have. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the year ahead.

I was inspired by Ashley's blog to make a list of 29 things I want to do in my 29th year. Here they are:
  1. get in great shape before I turn 30
  2. be a better wife and show more unconditional respect for my husband
  3. finish the Warrior Dash without keeling over
  4. go on vacation somewhere besides Jamaica (although I love Jamaica)
  5. grow out my hair (at least for a while)
  6. be more grateful for all I've been blessed with
  7. get professional pics taken with my hubby that aren't wedding pics (especially since we never had engagement pictures taken)
  8. be a more consistent journaler (especially since I got 6 journals for my birthday), and hopefully blogger ;)
  9. cultivate a passion for God's Word that I have been lacking lately and be more consistent in reading and studying the Bible
  10. make an effort to build transparent, authentic community and relationships
  11. get back to my crafty roots and spend more time doing creative things
  12. get better at using my camera and the external flash Jamie bought me
  13. become more financially responsible
  14. attempt to actually enjoy cooking (aside from making desserts) and learn more healthy recipes
  15. get a Mac (so ready to get rid of my crappy laptop)
  16. get some cute winter clothes (my winter wardrobe has been lacking since my Houston days)
  17. drink more water (and less diet soda)
  18. read more books for fun
  19. go to the shooting range again
  20. go skiing
  21. go camping with my hubby
  22. start a photo journal
  23. eat healthier
  24. be more intentional about making sure people in my life know that I love them
  25. complain less, encourage more
  26. run a half-marathon
  27. get my house more organized and less cluttered
  28. live generously, in the knowledge that everything I have is God's anyway
  29. finish (or at least start...ha) making my t-shirt quilt that i cut the pieces out for probably at least 5-6 years ago

We'll see how accomplishing that list goes for me. I'll try to keep you guys updated, especially in light of #8 ;).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

where has the year gone?

I realize it's only March, but I also just realized that this will be my first blog post of 2010. I'm not sure where the past three months has gone other than the fact that my life was swallowed up by my surgery rotation for the first bit of the year. Honestly, I just haven't had much to blog about or maybe just not time to process things enough to share them with the world (or the two people who probably read this blog).

One of the big questions that has been looming larger and larger these days is what I am going to do with the rest of my life. I know what most of you are thinking "you're in medical school. you're going to be a doctor" and you would be right about that, but I'm still undecided on what area of medicine I want to pursue. It's true that I don't have to decide right now but seeing everyone around me decide on their specialties and having to make my schedule for next year has put the pressure on. Some things that are going through my mind in the decision making process are doing something that will glorify God, using my gifts in a way that will most benefit others, my desire to do medical missions and how I can best accomplish that, and the fact that I would like to have a somewhat normal life with time to devote to my marriage and eventually family. Right now, my top three options are: emergency medicine, internal medicine or psychiatry. Stay tuned to see what I decide and pray that God will give me direction on how I can best serve Him.