Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God's provision

I have been amazing lately by the way God has been revealing Himself through His provision. I suppose God is always a provider, but I find that I often don't take the time to notice. Lately, though, His hand has been undeniable. Here are just a few ways He has provided recently:

  • On the day I wrote a tithe check that I wasn't entirely sure we would have enough money in our account to cover, God provided exactly DOUBLE that amount through one of our friends who just felt called to give us that amount of money.
  • When I got out of work the other day, I had 4 BRAND NEW tires on my car out of the blue thanks to other awesome people who God used as His hands and feet.
  • This weekend was a pretty busy one for me. I had a test yesterday and "should have" been studying all weekend but ended up working on Saturday to help with our finances and went to see my friend Jill's baby on Saturday night. On Sunday I could have spent the whole day studying but instead decided to go to church and to the David Crowder concert, against what the fear of failure inside me wanted. Today I found out that I did better on that test than I have any the whole year!
These are just a few of the examples of God's amazing blessings lately. The most beautiful part about these provisions is the way I have seen God use our community and those people He has put in our lives to do His work. I have always loved that God uses ordinary, broken, messed up people to do extraordinary things. The sacrificial love of our community has shown me a true picture of who Jesus is. Never underestimate the value of even a small act done in God's love.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love you and your faith, Tara. Jamie and I have also experienced the same provisions, during this fairly difficult time (financially). God had taught us so very much about living minimally thru this. Thankfully, we have two very entertaining housemates to keep us busy. Movies schmoovies ;)