Monday, September 27, 2010

i love 4th year!

After 3 somewhat brutal years of medical school, I am loving 4th year!  No tests and lots more free time have given me the luxury of actually getting to do some things that I enjoy.  Here are just a few things I'm loving about 4th year so far:

  • Getting to read FOR FUN.  After 3 years of reading mostly notes and medical books it's nice to read some fiction.  The next book on my list is Eat, Pray, Love, which my sisters and brother-in-law got me for my birthday.  
  • Doing some crafty things that I never had time to do before.  My latest venture has been card making, which is fun and also saves me some money at Hallmark.  I found a bunch of rubber stamps and ink on sale for $1 each at Michaels and have been stamping and card making ever since.  I'm hoping to have time to do some more crafting, especially as the holidays approach.  If anyone has great, DIY Christmas gift ideas let me know!
  • Guilty-pleasure TV watching and internet surfing.  My favorites as of late have been Family Feud on Facebook, the always popular (with me at least), and watching lots of TV and movies on Netflix.
  • Actually getting to spend time with my husband :) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!  He even took me on a surprise lunch date today.  It's been nice to use some of my breaks and free time for impromptu coffee dates, runs or just time at home together.  I know that next year is going to be busy so it's nice that we have this time together before the craziness ensues.  
Here's hoping the rest of the year is as enjoyable as it is right now!

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