Thursday, August 14, 2008

yep....i'm still alive

just wanted you all to know that i am indeed still in existence, although you wouldn't know it from this blog. been a pretty busy life since i last posted and i think i really haven't written because i have been trying to process all that i want to say about my trip to Uganda, but a brief update on life before i more extensive blog (with pictures and everything -- i promise!):

1. i am now officially mrs. rickard -- got married on August 2 and officially changed my name yesterday .... more to come on that front

2. just got back from our honeymoon in jamaica which was amazing -- loved every minute and couldn't have asked for a more perfect time

3. i start 2nd year of med school monday (what?! where did the summer go??) so prayers are appreciated for that

well those are the big things that have happened and i promise more details about those above and Africa very very soon :)

1 comment:

Katy said...

Tara, I have been waiting for this post! LOL!! I've been checking! I really wish I had time to get together with you and talk for like hours before I go back to school.. but I don't think it's going to happen... so I am anxious to read this blog and hear all about your life! your wedding was beautiful and i'm glad your honeymoon went so well. I'll be checking back for pictures!!!