Thursday, December 4, 2008

join the conspiracy

In light of a Christmas season that has already seen people trampled to death over the perfect gift or the best deal, I hope you will watch and consider this video and it's message. The concept of the advent conspiracy is simple:

[Worship fully]
[Spend less]
[Give more]
[Love all]

However, these simple ideas may be harder to put into practice. I know that when I am focused on getting the right thing for the right person and how that will affect me financially I have a much harder time worshiping fully and focusing on Jesus in the midst of the madness. This year, I pray that we will spend more time than money, give more love than gifts, and focus on Christ more than a holiday. Will you join the conspiracy??

For more information visit:


Katy said...

so I definitely stole your video for my blog. LOL!! Thanks for this post! :-) We need to hang out soon! I told Tiffany that either Sunday, monday or Tuesday of not next week, but the week after...we must hang out! :-)

Andrea said...

Thanks for all of the blog and MySpace comments :) Although I'm sure you know this, I have already joined the conspiracy, and no one is getting anything for Christmas from me...except for some random family in another country getting an animal to feed their family thru World Vision, some antibiotics and vitamins for people in a random African village, and some extra $ for our Compassion child, Bonface. Happy Birthday, Jesus ;)