Friday, November 26, 2010

thoughts from Romans

"Modern 'idols' don't look like ancient ones; images served today are often mental rather than metal.  But people still devote their lives to, and trust in, many things other than God."

This quote came from my ESV study Bible as a commentary on Romans 1:22-23, which says..."Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal men and birds and animals and creeping things."

While we think it preposterous today to worship images made of metal, I, for one, struggle constantly with putting things before, work, my marriage, material things, name it.  In my human nature, I tend to trust in these things, and in myself, first and often God as an afterthought or last resort.  It's humbling (and embarrassing) to think about the things that I "exchange the glory of the immortal God for."

In this season of thanks, I am so grateful that God has given me grace upon grace for the many times I have failed Him and for the ways He has blessed me in spite of the fact that I am completely undeserving.  Friends, please pray that I can trust and devote my life to God above all else and that He will reveal to me the idols I have set up that are standing in the way of my relationship with Him.

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