Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

So I'm going to just ignore the fact that I have been a blogging slacker for the past 4-ish months and pick up like I never left off.  I apologize for my long absence...

I will start by saying Happy Easter everyone (and by everyone I mean the probably one person that still might read this).  I have to admit that Easter kind of snuck up on me this year.  Between finishing up school, trying to sell our house and finding a place to live in Charleston (SC for those of you who don't know that I will be doing my residency there), I haven't spend as much time as I would have liked reflecting on Easter and all that we have to celebrate.

But I have to say that it was so refreshing and renewing to my soul just to spend Easter morning worshipping and fellowshipping with our church family.  I am truly thankful for the Christian community that God has allowed us to be a part of in Morgantown.  I couldn't help but think this morning how much I am going to miss it.  I certainly haven't gotten to know everyone in our church as well as I would have liked but I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of a group of Christians who show such genuine care and love.  It's amazing how having Jesus in common can bridge so many other differences.

I hope your Easter was blessed and that you were able to spend time reflecting on and rejoicing in our risen Savior!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

i'm still reading! welcome back to the blogsphere. maybe i'll get on it one of these days :)