Friday, January 4, 2008


So.....the marathon is only 9 days away and the more quickly it approaches, the more nervous I get. A million doubts immediately come bubbling to the surface every time I let myself think about it: "You haven't trained enough" "You can't do it" "You should have done the half instead" And yet all I can do is trust that God has a plan for this marathon. IF I finish it will only be by His strength....and if I don't, it will also be part of His plan. The thing that makes me the most nervous is that I have decided to run the race for Daphne, and amazing woman of God who I am blessed to know and who at 20 years old is kicking cancer's butt and glorifying God every step of the way. I don't want to disappoint her or let her down. How can I complain about not having strength to do this marathon when Daphne has just lost her leg? I know that the same power of God that has allowed her to have a positive and accepting attitude in the face of cancer is the only thing that can get me through 26.2 miles. And I continue to be amazed that the power that raised Christ from the dead is the power that works in our lives when we follow Him. My own strength gets me nowhere, certainly not 26.2 miles from where I began. So all I can do is rest in Christ, knowing that His plan, His strength is immeasurably greater than mine. And every step of the way I will be thinking of you, Daph, and praising God for your testimony of Him.


Phyllis Newcomb said...

Tara you will do great in the marathon. God has already blessed you with an amazing spirit. I love you. Mom

Jamie said...

I love you too!!!!!! And we will finish the race!!!! God wants us to finish the race!!!!

Amy O said...

You silly girl!! If anyone can finish it I know you can. I still have not met any person who is more dedicated to anything than you are to all that matters to it work or school or God or friends. I have no doubt that you'll not only finsih this marathon but exceed your own expectations of how you will do! Miss you bunches!!!

Ashley M said...


Hi. I'm Kent's sister in law, I think you know me...ANYWAYS! Good luck in Houston! I'm sure you'll do great! Wave to all of my old friends, eat at Freebirds and Amy's ice cream. So good!

Just keep breathing, pray when it's hard or when it's not, laugh when you're tired and just have an awesome time!


Katy said...

Tara.. WOW! The words of this blog are so inspiring to me. Just when you think all is lost, God sends you these words to read and you get blessed all over again. Thank you. Good luck with your race! I'm sure you have been training and working really hard.. God will reward you and bring you through! I give you major props! I can't even run a mile right now... I wish I could have seen you all over break.. but now it's over and you are already back to med school.. i go back Tuesday. Anyways... sometime we need to hang out! I miss you!

Katy Whitehair