Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year! (a day late)

Well since I was down for the count yesterday with some kind of stomach virus, this is coming to you on day 2 of 2009. I am so looking forward to what God is going to do this year. 2008 is going to be hard to top though! Just a few of the highlights:

  • Running my first marathon
  • Getting engaged
  • Trip to Niagara Falls with Jamie for my spring break
  • Buying our first house
  • Finishing my 1st year of medical school even though grades were touch and go at the end
  • Trip to Uganda
  • Wedding!!!
  • Honeymoon in Jamaica which was amazing....wish we could go back especially in light of this winter weather
  • Surprising Jamie with the "man cave" upon return from the honeymoon (thanks to all our friends for all your hard work!!)
  • Getting our cute puppy, Schroder
Spending the holidays with both of our families and the New Year with some good friends was a great way to send off 2008. I am excited to see what God will do in 2009. He has already proved Himself an awesome provider and is continuing to teach us how to trust in Him fully. Towards the end of this year, I have been struggling spiritually but as I have reflected on the past year God has brought to mind so many blessings and miracles, large and small, that have really helped me realign my focus to Him. Praying that you all would realize the blessings of 2008 and look forward to God's work in 2009!


Andrea said...

What an awesome year you have had! Trust me, for the rest of your life, everytime you are stressed, you will want to go back to your honeymoon and just relax with your husband without a care in the world. I pray we both get to experience that again one day ;) Happy 2009!

Katy said...

yay! i saw you entered the exposaroonie challenge. I love reading the girls' blogs that run that. Ashley and Coleen. It's weird because I have no idea who they are and live across the U.S. but it's still fun. HAHA!!! Love that picture too! can't wait for may to get here already!